Hi friends,
I know I’ve been a little quiet around here the last few months. But I hope you’ll forgive me when you hear why: I’m pregnant! As in, 20 weeks pregnant, due in late January! I’m kind of a late-teller about pregnancy. I like to get a good thorough look at the baby during the 20 week ultrasound before I spread the word too widely. But I hope you are ready for some baby talk because I have a backlog of pregnancy-related chatter to post about!
I’m at my favorite stage of pregnancy – the second trimester, with lots of kicks (from the baby) and more energy (for me). I think the first trimester is the hardest. The surreal “I’m pregnant” and feel awful but really, I’m pregnant? And the cautious excitement, waiting to see if things develop as they should. Ahh! Things lift tremendously for me around 15 weeks. The heat of the summer + chasing a toddler was a double-whammy to my energy, and I feel like I slept away June and July.
In case you’re wondering:
No, we didn’t find out the sex. We love the surprise! And we’d be truly, bottom-of-our-hearts happy with either.
Yes, this means our kids will be slightly less than two years apart. I felt bad about this when I first found out (like literally, the first day) but the day after I found out I was pregnant Design Mom wrote this post about spacing children and I felt like she was writing right to me! I also feel kind of freed by this spacing: there’s no pressure to get Bee out of her diapers or her crib because she probably won’t be ready for either, and that’s OK. We’ll make it work. (Cup of Jo just shared this post about spacing, too, and her theory that most people prefer the spacing that they had from their siblings. My brother and I are 28 months apart, so that’s probably where my guilt came from!)
If we were more-than-ready for our first, we are a little under-ready for our second. We certainly don’t have a great plan for how this is going to work and know it’s going to be hard. But mostly I feel blessed just to be pregnant with a hopefully healthy baby, and know that even though it’ll be hard, it’s where I want to be. Here’s to our next adventure!