We are so pleased to be giving away a custom mother-and-child photo session with Anna Mayer Photography to one Borealis reader’s mom, sister, friend, cousin, daughter, or loved one. Anna is an amazing children and family photographer who captures the beauty of babies, children, and families exactly as they are (though, Mom, she’ll make sure you look extra good!). We’re sure you know a mom who could use a free photo shoot with her kids, and a free album and 16 x 20 print. Nominate her now by leaving a comment on the contest post letting us know why she deserves to win.
This guest post is from Anna herself, sharing a quick and simple way to get your photos off your hard drive and into your life. Thanks Anna!
We’ve lived in this house for going on three years and in all those years I’ve been trying to figure out how to decorate my front entry.
There’s this great wall there, but it has two vents in it; kind of limiting. A couple of years ago we spruced this wall up with some paneling that we hung sideways to give it a more modern look (our house is pretty unique and fairly Swedish in design) and for a while I had some photos leaning up on the narrow shelf there.
Two problems with that: One, it fell down when people slammed the door (yes, my lovely children slam the door from time to time, ha) and two, it was a pretty expensive way to display images (I wanted them to be interchangeable). I mean, I am a family photographer for Pete’s sake! I need beautiful photos on my walls, right?
On a whim one day I threw this together. I kind of love it. I love that you can see it when you walk in the door (we have a lot of traffic in that entry with all the kids and their friends and parents). I love that if I want to I can swap out a photo in two seconds (I just taped them up with Scotch tape). I love that from “my seat” at the dinner table I can see them all clearly. Best of all, I love that little pieces of our beautiful life are now off my hard drive and on my wall. Happy indeed.
Simple to do. Just 6×9 photos with narrow borders (added in Photoshop), Scotch tape, and a boldly colored wall. Viola! Pretty photo wall. Done.

Wow, my house looks really cool in these picures. 🙂 See, I can make ANYthing or ANYone look good! lol
Yes, your house does look great! And inviting! Also, people who don’t want to use scotch tape can use that great post-it tape they have now. LOL – I bought some but the photos aren’t up yet!!