Remember in April when I started getting excited about summer and made a list of the things I wanted to do? (I’ve checked them all off, by the way). Well I’m over summer, and ready to think about fall.
It’s not that I’m wishing August away. We’ll swim some more in the lakes and wading pools. We’ll eat cherry tomatoes straight from the garden (or apples, as Beatrice insists on calling them). We’ll enjoy dinners on restaurant patios and long light-filled evenings. I’ll wear sundresses and Bee will run around in her diaper and we’ll both take long, lazy naps in the heat of the early afternoon.
But I’ve been poring over cookbooks (I want to make nearly everything in The Homemade Pantry by Alana Chernila) and longing for a time when it sounds appealing to do anything in the kitchen besides make eggs and sandwiches. I’ve been dreaming up outdoor adventures incompatible with the levels of heat and humidity we’ve had the last month or so.
And here’s where you’ll think I’ve really lost it: I’m actually craving real shoes. Yes, firm, toe-covering real shoes. I know.
But fall will come. Even a breath of sub-80-degree air clears my head and gives me a boost of motivation. Until then, I apologize for the lack of posts. I wish I could say I’m having vacation adventures but I’m really just eating ice cream, or lying around, or at best reading silly books.
And of course, fantasizing about fall.

hahaha, yeah, this heat is getting weary.
50’s at the cabin last night. Had to get out the sweatshirt. Guess who’s responsible for the cooler weather?