These are some of our under-appreciated favorites. Not at the top (or bottom) of views for the year, but we love them and think they deserve another chance.
Jen Wishes You Had Read . . .
I Can Relate: My Take on Motherhood Memoirs
I read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Bringing Up Bebe on vacation last year and thought about them for weeks. When I finally sat down to write this post, I had a lot to say to you about these books. I think these are helpful for parenting bigger kids, and I’d love to get a conversation started about them.
How boys relate to each other is fascinating to me. I think they are on to something, though.
Edged out by a gardening post for the top-six list, this is one of my favorites of the year. A best friend helps me out of a very bad time by focusing on the little things that can create happiness. Check the comments for lots of list of happy-makers.
Breanne thinks you might enjoy . . .
Reading about my five-year plans might not be the most fascinating, but being inspired about making your own five-year plan makes this post worth a read.
This homage to Minnesota cabin life doubles as a handy how-to for the cabin novice.
Gratitude, at Tettegouche State Park
I really like this post, which is about thinking what our 19-year-old-selves would think of us now.