Get this: Gardens need water

Nothing really need be said about this. If you go away for 10 days and it’s a 100 degrees the whole time and you make no provision for the care of your vertical garden, this is what happens. Turns out that rain or pests aren’t really the problem. Seems I’m the biggest garden threat of […]

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My first library card

Library Card

You are forgiven if you think the title refers to my four-year-old son’s first library card, which he indeed got Tuesday at the Merriam Park Branch Library in Saint Paul, and of which he is extremely proud (see self-satisfied smile, above). He signed his card himself (so cute it hurts a little) and showed it […]

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Mini Cooper car seat – How to get one in and how long it lasts, with pictures

Carseats and Mini Coopers

I’ve had a Mini Cooper since 2004. And I’ve absolutely loved it. I can park anywhere (so handy for city life), it gets good gas mileage, it’s a great commuting car cause you can cut people off easily (I mean zip in and out), it’s fun to drive, and it’s even really good on snow […]

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Summer on Superior

Swimming in Lake Superior at Bayfield, Wisconsin

Hello! Wondering where we’ve been? Breanne and I were both on vacation in this beautiful north last week and have some stories and photos to share with you. Here’s the first installment: my trip to Bayfield, Wisconsin with my boys and grandparents. I really need to spend more time on Lake Superior. It is just […]

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Urban vegetable gardening: Progress (or lack-thereof)

Raised bed garden

I stumbled on a fun new blog this week called “Pintester,” wherein the author tries out Pinterest pins and shares the results, good bad, and ugly. It’s very funny. I wasn’t really setting out to be a Pintester with my urban vegetable garden projects, but I have indeed produced a Pinterest fail with my gutter […]

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Gratitude, at Tettegouche State Park

Tettegouche State Park

A couple of weeks ago I joined a couple of friends for a short trip to Tettegouche State Park. When I was 19 I spent a summer at Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center taking some classes for college credit, and spent a lot of time at Tettegouche. It’s a place that has a lot of […]

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Finding my farmer’s market home: Market in the Valley

To find my perfect farmer’s market, I had to head to the suburbs. We live fairly close to such Minneapolis gems as the Minneapolis Farmer’s Market (a giant affair in the shadow of a highway), the Mill City Farmer’s Market (a smaller, cozier market with a focus on organic and sustainable agriculture in the heart […]

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Summer fun with kids in Saint Paul

Little boy shooting bow and arrow

This is my second summer at home with my kids (after 10 years as a working mom) and I feel like I’m getting in my summer mom groove a bit better this year. A kid’s summer should be about freedom and unstructured time and play, but too much of a good thing is just  . […]

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