Afternoon at the pumpkin patch

It is one of our family traditions: an October afternoon at the pumpkin patch. In the car on the way to Afton Apple Orchard today, the boys were counting up how many times they’d been there: Owen figured nine times, Noah had seven (counting his kindergarten field trip a month ago, of which he is […]

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A day of rest

I’ve been hitting the to-do list really hard. Too hard. I don’t know why I feel so anxious about Getting Everything Done this time. Maybe it’s a mistaken belief that if I get everything done, everything will go well? The revamping of our basement (thanks to water damage) and guest room/nursery shuffle kicked off a […]

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Warming up for winter with Minneapolis’s hottest new kids store — Polarn O. Pyret

Jen and I have both confessed how satisfying we find it to have our kids properly outfitted for the cold. When I was pregnant and then when Bee was little I felt like something was wrong with me because I wasn’t really into buying clothes for her. Then her first winter came and I found […]

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Marathon in progress

In 2005, a few years after we graduated college, my husband Adam decided to train for the Twin Cities Marathon. I didn’t think much of it and it didn’t affect our lives too much — he did some long runs, and I grudging cut some weekend gatherings short to get him home early enough to […]

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Ah, brothers (volume 1)

I have boys. When I embarked on this motherhood project I didn’t really think one way or the other about how boys and girls were different or how I would parent them. Six years later I had two children of the male gender and have since learned to “get” boys. Fortunately, this is pretty easy. […]

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The pursuit of happiness

So yesterday was not a very good day for me. Heart disease has forced its way back into my life. It is taking things I wanted. It is reminding me I’m not in control. Most days I can manage that. Some days I can’t. Yesterday was one of those can’t-manage days. My friend Kristen came […]

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Just Like Me

I haven’t been around much for a few weeks, so I thought I’d share some of what is going on in my life. My brother, just 32, had a heart attack one year and two weeks after mine. Then three weeks later I found myself back in surgery getting a new stent. So heart disease […]

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Baby makes four: Advice on having a second child

Me and my brother (who is older by 27 months). First there was “So you’re going to have a baby! Advice from seasoned moms.” Then we had “So you’re going to have a toddler! Advice from moms of one-to-two year-olds.” And now we have advice on having a second child! For this post I went […]

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