32 week update

Getting our Christmas tree at the farmer’s market. As I’m nearing the home stretch on this pregnancy (32 weeks pregnant and counting), I thought take a break from all of the project-related posts to let you know how things are going. Freya, Sullivan, Louisa, Finn, and Calvin… These are some of our considered but rejected […]

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How to make snowman tags

This one is super-simple, but so charming you may get a disproportionate amount of satisfaction out of seeing your adorable little snowmen all lined up in a row. Exactly the kind of project I like. This project was inspired by Pinterest, naturally, but pursued because I was trying to avoid one of my least-favorite holiday […]

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Borealis Holiday Guest Post: Christmas is not for wimps

We are so excited to share this guest post by our awesome friend Kristen Neurer. She is so much fun in real life and now on her new blog, Snapshot. We can’t wait to read more from her!  I used to work with all women. There were several decades between us, some had kids and some didn’t, […]

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How to make soup mix in a jar

I mentioned last post that Noah is not a project or craft kind of guy, so when it came time for him to work on his Christmas gifts, our options were limited. Fortunately, soup mix in a jar is a very popular gift and recipes abound for them. I was suspicious, though, as I read […]

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How to dye chair cushions using iDye

Will dying my chair cushions leave me gloating with success or shame-faced with failure? Read on to learn more how about the dye chair cushions using iDye. I don’t even want to tell you how many hours I spent thinking about what kind of chair to get for the nursery.  Rockers, gliders, new, used, ugly, […]

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How to make spice mixes for gifts

Every year my boys and I make gifts to give their teachers, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I’m determined that they learn the joy of being thoughtful gift-givers, and they are required to participate in the gift creation process. Owen has always been a project and craft guy, so it was easier with him. We made […]

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How to make a modern nursery mobile

I never made a mobile for Beatrice — it was one of those things like eating organic that I assumed of course I’d do before I got pregnant that I never got around to once I was actually pregnant. So Baby #2, you are winning in the mobile department! Take that, second child syndrome. I […]

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How to make homemade marshmallows and hot cocoa

Last year for Christmas Jen and I made the exact same gift for friends and family — homemade marshmallows and hot cocoa mix. Around the same time I proposed starting Borealis together, and it seemed like kismet — although we are very different people in many ways, we still think eerily alike. In time for […]

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