Just for fun, here are our 12 least-read posts of 2012.
Breanne’s Least Read Posts
1. Chocolate chip bars. Delicious and apparently, underrated. This is before we realized that regular recipe posts aren’t really our thing. But these bars really are fantastic, and couldn’t be easier.
2. How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm and 6. Parents Need to Eat, Too are among the many not-so-popular parenting book posts we wrote. These posts really only appeal to those with young kids, but I like that they create a nice library of resources. Ardent book-lovers, Jen and I can’t be stopped from reading and talking about what we read!
3. Garage Sale Season, 4. Day of Rest, 5. Waiting for Fall are all day-in-the-life type posts. Sometimes in the middle of all the projects and triumphs I write about I feel the need to say, “Hey, here’s what’s really going on in my life” and talk about things like lying around on the couch and managing stress. Not every post has to be a winner (or search engine friendly), and occasionally these posts turn out to be sleeper hits for us as we realize the underlying current in what we’re really writing about.
Jen’s Least-Read Posts
1. Valentine’s Day Dinner — for Four and 6. I’ll Never Buy Granola Again. Yeah, recipe posts don’t really work out for us. The first is a recipe for Valentine’s Day dinner that my boys all love. The other is the best granola you’ll ever eat and you are seriously missing out by not reading this post.
2. Walking in a Winter Wonderland, 3. Trip to the Tree Farm and 4. Afternoon at the Pumpkin Patch — like Breanne’s, these are all day-in-the-life things my family did, accompanied by cute pictures. I do always include “if you go” information, because fun adventures with kids in the Twin Cities is part of why I love living here. Worth looking at if you need to get out of the house.
5. Just Like Me is about my younger brother’s heart attack, a year and a week after mine. It also appeared on my heart blog, so perhaps duplication drove down its numbers. It is pretty raw and sad.