Readers choose their favorites, of course, but sometimes we just want to write about what we love. These are our favorites from 2013.
Jen’s favorite posts
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good freezer casserole or adorable hedgehog baby onesie how-tos as much as the next girl, but I love these posts too, which didn’t get the volume of traffic of say, Super Mario Brothers party tips. Not a how-to in sight, just things that mattered to me or people I love.
I rarely explicitly write about my journey from career mom to at-home mom back to career mom, but it makes its way into some of my 2013 posts, like these:
- 10 things from Lean In we can’t stop thinking about
- What I didn’t see coming
- Pinterest made me do it
This post seems like it’s about my bangs (and I do love my bangs), but it’s also about my dad and me and allegiance to what works: My hair’s so now.
A few of my thoughts about parenting older kids: lying, recording memories, and being proud of my tween.
The things that move me to tears and never truly leave me always come back to grace — learning, receiving, and giving, especially to myself.
Breanne’s favorite posts
Jen calls the series of posts I wrote after Blythe was born my “ode to motherhood.” I have a soft spot for these in-the-moment, heart-on-my-sleeve posts about life with a newborn.
- What I didn’t expect
- Everything is just a phase
- Still here
- Conquering my fear of being home with two kids
- Patience
- One long snowy day
Is it wrong that some my favorite posts in 2013 were the ones that other people wrote?
Posts that made me cry while writing them:
And lastly, I love showing you glimpses into some of my dearest relationships:
- About my husband: Coffee, the dog we never had
- About my brother: My brother, “the adventurous one.” Also: more fun