Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too.
Breanne’s Links
Change your bra size, change your life – our friend Emily’s story of her breast reduction. Courageous!
Last year I was shocked to discover how harmful our favorite sunscreen was. This year I’ll remember to consult this list before stocking up for the summer.
How to be a Perfect Parent in 5 Easy Steps… or Probably Never made me put down my coffee I was laughing so hard. If you’re not sure how you’re messing up it includes a handy chart, with such gems as “Going back to work and hiring a nanny? YOUR CHILD WILL PROBABLY GROW UP CALLING YOU BY YOUR FIRST NAME.” and “Stay at home parent? YOU’RE NOT CONTRIBUTING ANYTHING TO SOCIETY. LEAN IN, GODDAMMIT, LEAN INNNNNN!!!!”