Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too.
Breanne’s Links
“If, Good Body = High Self-Esteem
Then, Having a Baby = Low Self-Esteem”
Dr. Jessica Michaelson gives us all some tough love and sound advice on body image and weight, via Rookie Moms.
Adam and the girls are spending the summer at home, and I’m super excited. I’m planning to arrange a few fun diversions for them each week — easy stuff, like setting up a fort in the basement, or putting a bag together for a beach trip, or laying out the materials for a craft in the porch. This post got me even more excited about kicking it off and involving Beatrice in the planning. The pictures alone! Life needs more banners.
Not much else is growing yet, but your rhubarb is doing well, right? We’re making up another batch of my favorite rhubarb syrup this weekend.
Have you heard how Finnish babies get a complete starter set of attractively designed gear from the government? Did you know the cardboard box it comes in is designed to double as a bed? The history of these boxes — how they helped reduce infant mortality — and how the contents have changed with the times is a fascinating read. (via swiss miss)
Notable items include cloth diapers (which replaced disposable in 2006), bra pads (bottles were phased out to promote breastfeeding), and condoms!

Funny, I clicked over because I saw your link to our body image post and then I see that we both linked to the BBC article about the Finnish maternity boxes today! Great minds think alike!
Thanks for the great article on body image! I (and my four months postpartum self) appreciated her frank honestly.
And I love everything about that BBC article, from the adorable clothes to the nation building to the condoms. Thanks for reminding me though — I saw it on swissmiss this morning and was writing it up when yours posted — I should note that I saw it there first!
Keep up the good work.
This might give you some fun ideas for the summer: http://geekmom.com/2013/06/mission-explore/
Each completed mission for the day nets a “badge”. I’m not sure how many of the activities would be appropriate for a two year old, but I bet those that aren’t could be changed up a bit to make them two year old friendly. I’m hoping to convince Braden and Coen to do some of the missions. They are just at a point right now where anything I tell them to do feels like homeschool and they aren’t really into it. 😉
This looks really cool! Thanks for the link. I like that the activities are focused but open ended. We’ll definitely need some new ideas once we hit the park for the twentieth time. Thanks! I’d love to know your favorite sites and books since between the four kids and homeschooling I consider you kind of a pro.