Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too.
Breanne’s Links
Scarlet Fever probably didn’t blind Mary Ingalls.
Red Stripe responds to the VW commercial aired at the Super Bowl. Super funny and a brilliant marketing move.
Jen’s Links
One of my most-favorite blogs, Parenting, Illustrated with Crappy Pictures, is like a little present in my inbox or news feed. It always makes me laugh, usually until I cry, and I’ve yet to read a single thing that’s not totally true of my parenting experience. If you aren’t following it yet, please start. A couple of my favorites are: eating out with kids and what it’s like (not) to sleep.
I like to throw parties, but they are usually of the birthday variety and feature Angry Birds, Minecraft, Star Wars, or Harry Potter. I’d love to throw this fun and easy one with my own friends: Favorite things party.
Mansplainer is one of the better terms ever coined. And Hillary, well, she is the bomb. So this funny post, “How to deal with a mansplainer, starring Hillary Clinton in gifs” is just perfect to me.

I love that Hillary Clinton so much.
And snaps to BHH for posting about Half Pint and Pa. That was actually very interesting, and just goes to prove that the prairie never gets old.