Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too.
Jen’s Links
More from the opt-out, lean-in genre: “The Opt-Out Generation Wants Back In” was published in the New York Times Magazine this week. Found myself in nearly every line. Found everything I said in this post in nearly every line. It does help me feel less crazy to know I’m not alone.
The whole sexism thing is getting so tiresome, but we have to keep the pressure on. A recent example, of many, called out here in Ezra Klein’s Wonkblog (because you know I follow that one).
And on a less-wonkish note: Thanks to Cool Mom Picks I ordered myself a dishwasher-safe stand and a set of splatter-safe sleeves for my iPad from Chef Sleeve yesterday. It seems I use my tablet for cooking more than anything else.
Lastly, I dare you not to cry viewing these photos from August 1, 2013, a momentous day here in Minnesota. These photos are more proof of why Minnesotans are awesome.
Breanne’s Links
Do you remember how Blythe is rooming in with us in the guest room while Bee continues to enjoy her nursery? And how both of their rooms are peaceful and uncluttered but also kind of plain and boring? And that my plan is to move them together into a shared room? I’m waiting for Blythe’s night feedings to taper off before I make the move, but meanwhile I’m itching to get started on designing a super cute room for the girls! While I’ll most likely recycle things from their already coordinating rooms, I can’t help but start lusting over cute things like these honeycomb shelves and initial wall decals.
Mid-year check on the old New Year’s Resolutions that we made for Borealis. We finally got the kids in a canoe AND a tent, so it’s time to write up a post about adventuring. And not sure how we’re doing on tackling some “too raw” topics, but posting a pic of a woman pumping was a bit outside my comfort zone, and hitting publish on a funeral post was a nervous-making, too.
Happy 11 years of marriage, husband!