Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too.
Breanne’s Links
“I’ve always loved the “It Gets Better” campaign that some wise, gentle souls created to encourage gay youth. I think we should steal it to encourage parents of babies and toddlers.”
This post was just what I needed after a long week of nighttime interruptions, messy meals, and adorable chubby hands pawing at my face. I think our life is awesome, albeit hard right now, so if it gets even better than this, then to echo the post, “Hells to the yeah!”
Now that I have two girls, can I confess that making this decision was one of the things I dreaded about having a boy? Circumcision Rates in U.S. Drop Drastically in Western States, from The New York Times.
The girls went back to childcare this week (or started in Blythe’s case) and it feels like fall and back to school in our house, even though Minneapolis has had heat advisories this week. The last thing on our summer bucket list: make homemade ice cream. Beatrice chose raspberry (we used the recipe from my favorite new cookbook) so we dropped in some mashed berries, waited 30 minutes, then ate it directly from the machine bowl with spoons. Swoon.
Jen’s Links
Yeah, about that circumcision decision: I told my husband he had to make that one.
Speaking of having babies, this article is amazing and a new perspective to me: Why is America so hard on new mothers?
If you need a good laugh-til-you-cry and then cry cuz it’s true, watch this hilarious parody of advertising “for the ladies”: Birth Control on the Bottom.