Welcome to the first Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too.
Breanne’s Links
12 New Year’s Resolutions for Happier Families. My favorite: “Embrace the idea of course correction. When faced with a parenting decision, briefly survey your options then make the best choice you can, knowing you can recalculate your route to the destination as the situation — and your family — changes.”
I got a flameless candle for Christmas and now I want one for every room in the house. I’d completely gone off candles since I always forget about them and now to have this joyful thing burning and flickering every cold dark evening — automatically! — I am in love. (The candle has a timer and can be set to turn on for a 5-hour interval every day).
Another awesome Christmas gift I received: these earrings.
OverDrive Media Console is my favorite new app. It lets you easily download free e-books from your local library to your phone or other mobile device.
Is the medical community failing breastfeeding moms? I talked to my doctor about this article and she agreed and expressed frustration at how little research they have available that provides any meaningful help for women.
Jen’s Links
I love my Twitter feed so much. How else would I find such great articles to read? I liked “Why (and How) You Should Publish Your Speeches” on the Eloquent Woman blog this week. It just makes so much sense: “without examples–and lots of them–of women speaking in all sorts of situations and on many topics, we’re all missing thousands of sources of inspiration and good role models.”
January and February is Go Red season, and that’s a big deal to me. Go Red for Women is about heart disease, the number one killer of women in this country. If you didn’t know that (or even if you did), watch this video about Go Red’s first 10 years. A long way traveled, a long way to go.
A new (to me) blog I love: Outfit Posts. I like getting the daily post each morning, and I especially like the “one suitcase” travel roundup feature.
I bought myself this book on a whim last weekend. 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People. I’m enjoying it – short, matter-of-fact, backed by research. I must have needed a little redirection.