This one is super-simple, but so charming you may get a disproportionate amount of satisfaction out of seeing your adorable little snowmen all lined up in a row. Exactly the kind of project I like.
This project was inspired by Pinterest, naturally, but pursued because I was trying to avoid one of my least-favorite holiday tasks: getting my boys to sit down and write their “Tos” and “Froms” two dozen times each. (Of course, there’s an easier way to avoid it that — write it myself — but I still want the kids to be involved. And what grandma wouldn’t prefer an adorable four-year-old’s careful letters spelling “Noah”?)
Our spice mixes were stirred, jarred, labeled, and packaged, so all that was left was the wrapping. I decided I’d rather glue 72 buttons with my boys than make them sign their names, so we made these super easy button snowman gift tags.
You can see how easy this is, right? I don’t think instructions are necessary. My secret trick, though, is on the back.
I had the boys write their names with a Sharpie on white paper, scanned them in, cropped, and dropped onto a Publisher file. I added to “to” names and then printed out on a full sheet of cardstock. (I left some blank “to” and “from” so that Owen could write his own to his teachers. He was in fifth grade, after all.)
I used my tag shape template to cut around the printed area. We flipped it over, glued on our buttons, and I added the itty bitty ribbon scarf (the boys had zero interest in such embellishment). These little cuties turned a chore into something fun.
A finished and wrapped spice mix set ready to give. One down, 23 to go.

These are so darn cute. Breanne’s Gramma B.
Thank you Bea!