November 17 is World Prematurity Day and today — like every July 22 and every time I learn that someone I know has just had a preemie — I remember the days of denial, terror, tears, and emotional exhaustion as we waited eight weeks in the NICU for that elusive day when things would be “normal.” Our first […]
{Continue reading…}Clickery for October 31, 2014
Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. (We missed Clickery this year and are glad to be back!) Breanne’s Links Bookmarked for a point in my life when I have more time to sew: A DIY Map Quilt Pattern for Minneapolis from Purl Soho. Wouldn’t […]
{Continue reading…}Four favorite pumpkin recipes
Memes are funny because they are true, and this one made me laugh out loud. While I am not a pumpkin spice latte drinker, I am a white girl wearing yoga pants at this very moment and I do like fall. (Image found here, or all over Pinterest.) So here’s my (possibly inevitable) entry into the […]
{Continue reading…}How to switch to natural deodorant
Remember my New Year’s Resolution to go more organic with my health and beauty supplies? Well I wanted to share with you what I’ve learned about natural deodorants, because they can be kind of intimidating. I’ve been using natural deodorants for years, but had gotten lazy and drifted back after Blythe was born. This year […]
{Continue reading…}You should tri it
If you start running for health or because it is on your bucket list (or to lose baby weight like I did, seven years ago), the first question, real or in your head, is always “are you going to run a 5K?” Once you’ve done that, the question becomes “how about a half?” and when you’ve […]
{Continue reading…}On trail and on the town
This summer my oldest son turned 13 — a momentous occasion for all of us. He is officially a teenager. I am officially a parent of a teenager. They weren’t kidding about that “the days are long but the years are fast” thing. It was truly a blink of an eye. But he underwent a […]
{Continue reading…}Summer’s great and all: 4 reasons I’m ready for back-to-school
The pencils have been sharpened and new shoes are at the door. We have bus schedules, new teachers, open houses, stiff jeans. We are ready, so ready, and no one more so than me. Here are the four reasons I (and my family) need to get back to school. Beer and takeout don’t look all that […]
{Continue reading…}How to unleash your hidden curl: A secret recipe for straight haired girls
A couple of months ago I met my friend Phoebe for happy hour and she showed up with these gorgeous curly locks. The whole time I’ve know her she’s always had straight hair like me, and now, this amazing hair! I sat there in curl envy for a while, and then broke down and asked her how she […]
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