Five new ideas for my urban vegetable garden

It’s March in Minnesota, and that means . . . blizzards, and ice, and windchill. Not always, but at least this year. It’s no wonder, then, that as the garden catalogs start showing up in my mailbox while the snow keeps coming and coming, I start scouring gardening boards on Pinterest and mapping out my […]

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It’s hard to find the right mix of busyness on maternity leave. Last week: too much. I finally had my crash week — you know the days during maternity leave when it finally builds up and becomes too much, and you remind yourself that you are human. That you need to cut yourself some slack. […]

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Taming the linen closet beast

The problem with linen closets — at least with mine — is that linens themselves seem to comprise about 20 percent of the crap in there. The rest is first aid, medicine, soap, shampoo, sunscreen, eight million toothbrushes, some toilet bowl cleaner, a few candles, and a couple fake flowers. Small things. Lots of them. […]

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Clickery for March 15, 2013

Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Jen’s Links I left my job and career more than two years ago, and while I do intend to reinvent my professional self someday, I don’t miss it and I don’t appear to be spectacularly ready. So […]

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How to make black and white images for babies (or how to buy yourself some me-time after diaper changes)

Feeling crafty and have 20 minutes? Looking to buy yourself some free time while your baby is happily entertained? Then follow this tutorial and make some black and white images for babies. This quick project is perfect for a new mom — quick, easy, and can hopefully be completed during nap time (but if baby […]

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A Saturday adventure, a few blocks from home

A few weeks ago Scott had to be gone all day on a Saturday and the boys and I did our usual lounging around in pjs all morning. Before noon they were restless and bickering and tattling and I’d had enough. That’s it, I said, we’re outta here. Now. I’d seen the announcement that the […]

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How to make the easiest Easter egg garland ever

Yesterday I made this super-easy paper Easter egg garland while gabbing with my friend Kristen for hours. We both prefer paper crafts to any others (me and jewelry making, hmm not so much), and we think cutting is therapeutic. We actually devised this project so that we could make something with paper that we could […]

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Clickery for March 8, 2013

Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Breanne’s Links This blog by a college friend makes me laugh pretty much daily. What an amazing record he’s creating for his family. Instead of falling into a TV hole on maternity leave, I’ve fallen into a […]

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