Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Breanne’s Links I haven’t dared to try the Scientific 7-Minute Workout yet, but I want to. It’s only seven minutes, right? How bad could it be? It’s Memorial Weekend, and everyone knows that in Minnesota, that means […]
{Continue reading…}10 things I didn’t know about my sewing machine
When I was 11 my mom signed me up for sewing lessons with her friend, a professional seamstress and tailor. It was summer, and knowing now what it is like to have kids hanging around the house all day, I’m sure it was a device to keep me busy. That, and I was fond of […]
{Continue reading…}Clickery for May 10, 2013
Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Breanne’s Links Today’s links are all about books! I loved this Huffington Post article that took some of my favorite books and recreated how the cover might have looked had the author been a different gender. If […]
{Continue reading…}First loves
I have a love/hate relationship with garage sales. There’s a lot not to like: the sudden stops and awkward parking, the necessary chit-chat, the perusing of someone’s junk laid bare for all to see. But the deals! It’s the quest for great bargains (and memories of past spoils) that spur me on. So here was […]
{Continue reading…}Coffee, the dog we never had
A few nights ago, Adam and I enjoyed a rare chat before falling asleep. As I put a passed-out Blythe down next to us in the co-sleeper, I asked Adam how he was doing on giving up coffee. It’d been about a week since he’d stopped having his daily five-shot Americano. “It’s going fine,” he […]
{Continue reading…}A good day in tweendom
It’s so hard to be 11, almost 12. It’s so hard to be a mom when your kid is 11, almost 12. We are firmly into the tween experience around here and wow . . . just, wow. Not unlike realizing that no one but me was going to care for that tiny newborn, entering […]
{Continue reading…}Clickery for May 3, 2013
Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Jen’s Links “The visual sense is the strongest developed one in most human beings. It’s only natural that 90 percent of an assessment for trying out a product is made by color alone.” Buffer’s interesting article about […]
{Continue reading…}Placemats and grace: My grandma’s pasta sauce
I could go on for chapters about how amazing my Grandma Eunie is. I’ll try to keep it brief. When my grandma was a girl, she farmed alongside her dad, mother, brother, and sisters. When the snow was too deep for a horse or the car, she used cross-country skis to get to school. Jeans […]
{Continue reading…}