When baby won’t take a bottle

baby drinking breastmilk from sippy cup

You know how some breastfed babies refuse the bottle? Well in Blythe vs. the bottle, Blythe won. We could never get her to take more than an ounce from one. (Except for her first try at four weeks, when she fooled us by slamming four ounces. They we got lazy and waited two weeks before […]

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Clickery for August 9, 2013

Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Jen’s Links More from the opt-out, lean-in genre: “The Opt-Out Generation Wants Back In” was published in the New York Times Magazine this week. Found myself in nearly every line. Found everything I said in this post […]

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Um ya ya

I have a group of friends from college. We were all friends, of some sort, in college, but we have been solidified through time and the addition of spouses into kind of a set group, a dozen or so couples all living in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area (and a dozen or so more spread throughout […]

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Clickery for July 26, 2013

Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Breanne’s Links I can’t stop thinking about this article I read last week: “Martha Stewart’s Best Lesson: Don’t Give a Damn.” So much inspiration for us over-apologizers. I know we’ve talked sunscreens before, but let’s talk bug […]

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Borealis’s top 10 favorite things (of the moment)

It all started when my favorite water bottle broke. I use my water bottle all the time, and I wanted to replace it with one I LOVED, because it’s so satisfying to use something that is well designed. Then I got thinking about favorite things… you know, the products you have that you are really passionate […]

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Making the milk

Simple Wishes Hands Free Breastpump Bra

Most women have a love/hate, or love to hate, relationship with pumping. How can you not, when you look like this: Photo courtesy of Simple Wishes Handsfree Breastpump bra, a product I stand behind (or in, ha ha). Because who doesn’t want to take their boobs out at work and attach machinery to them? This […]

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Clickery for July 12, 2013

Welcome to Clickery, a weekly feature where we share things we like because maybe you’ll like them too. Breanne’s Links It’s July: let’s talk Popsicles. We’re loving these ones from Zoku; I think these would be fun filled with something unusual or decadent for an adult party; and if I had a 6-8 year old girl, I’d […]

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Those who want awesome summers, teach

Remember my maternity leave? All snowy days, and naps, and cozy baby time? Now Adam is home with the girls, and it is more like this: His days are all swimsuits, and library trips, and parks. Playdates and errands and zoo trips. Lots of chalk. And sunscreen. And slides. Drying swimsuits hang on doorknobs and […]

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