Fun with carbon monoxide

I wasn’t going to write about this but then thought: what is northern life without an occasional carbon monoxide scare? So: I’d been noticing that Adam and I were feeling slightly sick every weekend. Not real sick, but tired, headache-y, lightheaded — a general malaise. And last weekend it was even worse: Saturday I just […]

Doing it all: Glass Ceilings & 100-Hour Couples book review

Like most women my age (early 30s), I was raised with the belief I could do anything. I did well in school, did well in college, graduated and got a job, and climbed the ladder to upper-middle management (picking up a graduate degree on the way). Then I paused before my fertile years washed away […]

Sewing (and hoping) for babies

Nursery (with handsewn Boppy cover), two weeks before Beatrice arrived I love sewing for babies. You have tons of lead time (9 months!) and they are tiny, so everything sews up really quickly. Before I was pregnant with Beatrice, I was really weird and superstitious about buying anything. But I did allow myself to start […]

So you’re going to have a baby…baby advice from seasoned moms

Me actually in labor with Blythe, in the maternal assessment center at Fairview Southdale Hospital. I had only changed one diaper before I had a baby (and it was when I was pregnant!) I never babysat little ones; I really knew nothing at all about taking care of a baby. So when I was about […]

Night running

Confession: I get nervous taking the baby out of the house. I do it, a lot, but given a choice I always like to have her at home. I love putting her down for a nap in a quiet house — it fills me with an overwhelming feeling of peacefulness and joy at being a […]

When your house has no cookies, and you want them, fast: quick chocolate chip bars

Do you have 10 minutes and a hankering for something sweet? Of course you do. Then let’s make chocolate chip bars, the unfussy and quick little sis to chocolate chip cookies. When I was growing up, days at the lake were not complete without a pan of my aunt’s chocolate chip bars. She graciously shared […]

Gear guide: How to cloth diaper

I knew I wanted to but I was really intimidated about figuring out how to cloth diaper. Covers and all-in-ones, friends and family who raised their eyebrows (I’m looking at you, mom, who was skeptical even though you’d cloth diapered me and my brother as babies!) — it all made me insecure. Plus, I had […]

Packing in a pack-n-play: Winter camping with a baby

Every year for the last three years Adam and I have rented a rustic cabin at Lake Maria State Park, the kind you have to snowshoe in to and then heat with a fire in a wood stove. We started doing this because I wanted a Christmas tradition that was ours, and a quiet night […]