Waiting for baby: the final days

In the final days of my pregnancy, I have two modes: super efficient get-it-done now and extreme lazy. The former is responsible for me cleaning tile grout with a toothbrush earlier this week. It’s not hard to justify even the smallest whim with the knowledge that it’s easier to do anything now than it will […]

How to capture memories before they’re gone

When I was little we’d occasionally visit my Great-Aunt May. Her house was always dark — she kept the shades drawn and lights off — and she seemed to spend most of her time doing word-find puzzles and eating chocolate. When we’d visit my brother and I would play with the only toys she had […]

Backpacking with a toddler — Lake Maria State Park, take 2

My very first post for Borealis was recapping a backpack-in-to-a-cabin trip to Lake Maria State Park that my husband and I took with then 9-month-old Beatrice. It was one of those trips that barely tipped the scales into the “worth it” category. We had ran around beforehand scrambling to pack everything up. When we arrived […]

Our guide to edible gifts

Welcome to our third gift guide — edible gifts! Because it’s already the second week of December we’re skipping the homemade food gifts and focusing on ones you can buy. (But if you’ve still got time to DIY, check out our tutorials for: hot cocoa and homemade marshmallows, soup mix in a jar, and spice […]

Our guide to cozy gifts

This is the first in series of four holiday gift guide posts. Most of our favorite holiday gifts fall in four categories — cozy, practical, edible, and personalized — so we decided to do a holiday gift guide around each theme. Here is the first one — cozy gifts!   Minnetonka Moccasins makes the best […]

32 week update

Getting our Christmas tree at the farmer’s market. As I’m nearing the home stretch on this pregnancy (32 weeks pregnant and counting), I thought take a break from all of the project-related posts to let you know how things are going. Freya, Sullivan, Louisa, Finn, and Calvin… These are some of our considered but rejected […]

How to dye chair cushions using iDye

Will dying my chair cushions leave me gloating with success or shame-faced with failure? Read on to learn more how about the dye chair cushions using iDye. I don’t even want to tell you how many hours I spent thinking about what kind of chair to get for the nursery.  Rockers, gliders, new, used, ugly, […]

How to make a modern nursery mobile

I never made a mobile for Beatrice — it was one of those things like eating organic that I assumed of course I’d do before I got pregnant that I never got around to once I was actually pregnant. So Baby #2, you are winning in the mobile department! Take that, second child syndrome. I […]